Welcome to Sustainable Environment Pty Ltd
Ecological Services

Ecological Services

Ecological Services

Saving the world with solutions that weave science into management.

Ecology, at its core, deals with interactions between organisms and their environment. The natural environment encompasses the material world as a whole, including natural resources, biodiversity, aesthetic values, ecosystem services and intrinsic natural values. At Sustainable Environment, we believe in ecosystem based management that incorporates the relationship between people and the natural environment. We view the natural environment with multiple paradigms incorporating ecological, social, recreational, amenity and economic values. We understand that our terrestrial, freshwater and coastal environments are intrinsically connected, and we strive to be the interpreters of the natural environment.

Within both rural and urban environments, there are many opportunities to minimise ecological impacts associated with proposed activities, or provide a positive environmental outcome. When undertaking activities that may have an impact on the natural environment, a thorough understanding of the relevant environmental regulations and how to best navigate the resource consenting process untimely saves our clients time and money in achieving their desired outcomes, while also minimising the environmental impact.

How can we help?

Sustainable Environment's team of scientists, ecologists and water quality specialists are experts in the collection and management of data for flora and fauna assessments and waterway assessments.

We can help with:

  • Flora and fauna assessments.
  • Wetland assessment and restoration design.
  • Ecological assessments for EPBC waterway survey assessments.
  • Watercourse management plans.
  • Stormwater and wastewater effects assessments.
  • Macroinvertebrate sampling and results reporting.

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